RNC Chief Counsel Resigns After Two Months

(UnitedHeadlines.com) – Two months after he accepted the position as the Republican National Committee’s chief counsel, Charlie Spies resigned.

Spies, who accepted the position as the RNC’s chief counsel in March after Michael Whatley was elected as the RNC chairman, resigned after telling RNC chief of staff Chris LaCivita that he had “potential time commitment conflicts,” according to a statement from RNC spokesperson Danielle Alvarez.

The realignment of the RNC in March came after former RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel resigned, resulting in the RNC and the Trump campaign effectively merging operations. At the time of his hiring in March, Whatley said Spies, along with fellow counsel Christina Bobb, would focus on ensuring election security. A campaign official for former president Donald Trump described Spies as “the best at what he does.”

In a statement, Spies said working for the RNC full-time conflicted with his law firm client commitments. However, he said he remains focused on getting “Republicans at all levels” and Trump elected in November.

Some have speculated that Spies was going to be fired, including Lara Loomer, who wrote on Twitter in early April that she heard he would be “fired from the RNC very soon.”

In a statement, Democratic National Committee spokesman Alex Floyd responded to the news of Spies resignation, saying it is an example of what happens to those who disagree with “Trump’s dangerous conspiracy theories about the 2020 election.”

Before joining the RNC, Spies, who had been skeptical of Trump’s claim that the 2020 election was stolen, worked during the Republican presidential primary for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. He previously worked for Utah Sen. Mitt Romney’s 2008 presidential bid and former Florida governor Jeb Bush’s 2016 presidential bid.

The conservation election attorney has also represented conservative influencers who filed lawsuits against Twitter before Elon Musk purchased the platform, alleging discrimination against conservative voices.

Lisa Spies, his wife, works for the Trump campaign, heading up donor coalitions.

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