GOP Plans Voting Safeguards to Prevent Illegal Voting

( – On May 8, House Speaker and Louisiana Rep. Mike Johnson announced the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, which would prevent non-American citizens from being able to vote in U.S. elections.

Johnson, alongside the proposed bill’s leaders, Texas Rep. Chip Roy and Utah Sen. Mike Lee, stated that “due to the wide open border,” there is a “dangerously high number” of illegal immigrants in the United States who can vote in U.S. elections, potentially affecting who wins or loses.

Johnson noted that with “razor-thin” margins in swing states that determine the outcome of the elections, many Americans are concerned that noncitizens voting could “change the outcome of our elections.”

Some local jurisdictions, such as Washington, D.C., are allowing noncitizens to vote in local elections, “blurring the lines for noncitizens,” Johnson said. He said the move shows that Democrats are seeking to “turn noncitizens into voters.”

While he noted it is unknown how many noncitizens have previously voted in U.S. federal elections, he stated the proposed legislation would ensure noncitizens cannot vote in future elections. He added that currently, states cannot ask people registering to vote for proof that they are a citizen, stating that this bill would change that. While current federal law requires voters to swear they are U.S. citizens under penalty of perjury, it does not request proof. People registering to vote must also provide either a driver’s license or Social Security number. The proposed bill would amend the 1993 National Voter Registration Act, requiring people registering to vote to provide proof of U.S. citizenship.

Roy added that the legislation ensures a system is in place to guarantee that only American citizens can vote in federal elections.

Johnson and former President Donald Trump first teased the proposed bill at Mar-a-Lago in April. However, it is unclear when Johnson will bring the proposed legislation to the House floor for a vote.

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