White House Changes Story About Biden Seeing a Doctor

(UnitedHeadlines.com) – The White House has changed its story about whether President Joe Biden, 81, has recently seen his doctor.

According to a July 4 statement from White House spokesman Andrew Bates, several days after the debate, Biden saw his doctor “to check on his cold,” with Bates noting the doctor said he “was recovering well.” However, Bates added that Biden has not had a neurological scan since the debate.

The statement came after Biden also told the 20 Democratic governors he met with during an evening meeting on July 3 about seeing his doctor following the debate. The meeting, organized by Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, was held to discuss concerns about Biden’s debate performance and how to move forward with his campaign.

However, the statement from Bates contradicts the statement from White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, who on July 3, stated Biden has not received “any medical exams” since his physical in February. In response to a reporter asking if he had been checked out by a doctor due to his cold, Jean-Pierre responded, “It’s a cold,” noting that he “did not get checked out by the doctor.”

The White House again shifted its story on July 5 when Jean-Pierre called Biden’s check-in with his doctor, Kevin O’Connor, “a conversation.” She said the “short verbal check-in” Biden had following the debate “wasn’t a medical exam or physical,” stating she wants “to be super, super clear about that.”

The shift in stories about Biden seeing a doctor following the debate comes as the White House has tried to find a reason for Biden’s debate performance. During the debate, Biden repeatedly made false claims, misspoke, and froze. While some point to the president’s age as the cause for his performance, the White House has claimed it resulted from his schedule and having a cold.

However, his performance has caused some Democrats, donors, and political commentators to call for Biden to drop out of the race.

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