Trump Slams VP Harris’s Price Controls, Branding Her Policies as “Communist” and Comparing Them to Soviet Rationing

Trump Goes OFF - Controls Spark RED Scare!

Former President Donald Trump launched a scathing attack on Vice President Kamala Harris’s proposed economic policies, branding them as “communist” and drawing parallels to failed Soviet-era practices.

At a Glance

  • Trump criticizes Harris’s “Kamalanomics” plan, labeling it as “full communist”
  • Harris’s plan includes price controls on food and groceries, expanded homebuyer assistance, and increased child tax credits
  • Trump compares Harris’s policies to failed economic strategies in Venezuela and the Soviet Union
  • The proposed plan is estimated to cost around $2 trillion, raising concerns about inflation and deficit spending

Trump’s Fiery Critique of “Kamalanomics”

During a recent rally in Pennsylvania, former President Donald Trump didn’t mince words when addressing Vice President Kamala Harris’s newly announced economic plan. Trump’s critique centered on Harris’s proposed price controls for food and groceries, a policy he vehemently opposes.

“In her speech yesterday, Kamala went full communist. You heard that? She went full communist,” Trump declared, setting the tone for his scathing rebuke.

Trump’s comments resonated strongly with his conservative base, who have long been skeptical of government intervention in the economy. The former president drew historical parallels, comparing Harris’s proposals to failed economic policies in Venezuela and the Soviet Union.

Unpacking “Kamalanomics”

Vice President Harris’s economic plan, dubbed “Kamalanomics” on social media, includes several key components that have drawn both attention and criticism. The plan proposes expanded down payment assistance for first-time homebuyers, a $6,000 child tax credit for first-time parents, and notably, a federal ban on “price gouging” for food and groceries.

“Comrade Kamala announced that she wants to institute socialist price controls. You saw that? Never worked before. This is the Maduro plan in Venezuela, the Maduro plan of the old Soviet Union. They tried it there. And how did the Soviet Union turn out?” Trump remarked, drawing cheers from his supporters.

Economic Concerns and Potential Impacts

Critics of Harris’s plan, including Trump, have raised concerns about its potential economic impacts. Early cost estimates for the plan are around $2 trillion, leading to worries about increased deficit spending and inflation. Key components of the plan include a $3,600 kiddie credit costing about $1 trillion over ten years, a newborn child credit costing $100 billion, and a $25,000 home mortgage subsidy costing $250 billion.

“It will cause rationing, hunger and skyrocketing prices,” Trump warned, echoing concerns shared by many conservative economists.

Experts have pointed out that the $25,000 down payment handout for first-time homeowners could potentially raise home prices, while additional government spending might lead to higher mortgage rates. These concerns highlight the ongoing debate between advocates of free-market principles and those who favor more government intervention in the economy.

The Broader Political Context

Trump’s criticism of Harris’s economic plan comes amidst a heated political landscape. The former president, who recently survived an assassination attempt, has been vocal in his opposition to the current administration’s policies. His rally in Pennsylvania, where he appeared with his new vice presidential pick, Senator J.D. Vance from Ohio, marked their first campaign event together.

As the 2024 election cycle heats up, the stark contrast between Trump’s free-market approach and Harris’s more interventionist policies is likely to remain a central theme in political debates. With both sides presenting vastly different visions for America’s economic future, voters will have a clear choice to make in the coming months.


  1. Trump criticizes Harris’ newly announced ‘Kamalanomics’ over federal pricing plan
  2. Comrade Kamala: Her Economic Plan Will Never Work
  3. Trump mocks Democrats, insults Pelosi, in first campaign rally since assassination attempt