Trump Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

( – Former President Donald Trump, 77, was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize by New York Rep. Claudia Tenney for facilitating the Abraham Accords, “the first new peace agreements in the Middle East in almost 30 years.”

Tenney stated that “for decades,” many experts felt that it was impossible to have “additional Middle East peace agreements” without resolving the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. She added, “Trump proved that to be false.”

The peace accord between Egypt and Israel was acknowledged in 1978 by the Nobel Peace Prize. In 1994, the Oslo Accords were also acknowledged. Tenney noted that Trump has yet to be recognized for his role in the agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Morocco, Bahrain and Sudan, four of its Arab neighbors.

Tenney called Trump’s efforts to create the Abraham Accords “unprecedented,” adding she was nominating him because the Nobel Peace Prize Committee has not recognized him. She also compared Trump to President Joe Biden, 81, who she referred to as having displayed “weak leadership on the international stage.” She added that Trump needs to be recognized for his “efforts to achieve world peace.”

Trump has been nominated four other times for the Nobel Peace Prize. In 2020, Trump was first nominated by Norwegian Parliament member Christian Tybring-Gjedde, nominated Trump for his efforts in resolving protracted conflicts across the world. A MEP and Swedish Finns Party member, Laura Huhtasaari, wrote to the Nobel Committee a few months later, nominating Trump for the 2021 prize for his efforts “to end the era of endless wars.” A member of the Swedish Parliament, Magnus Jacobsson, nominated Trump for brokering a peace deal between Serbia and Kosovo. In September 2020, Trump received his third nomination for instituting a foreign policy philosophy known as the “Trump Doctrine,” from Australian law professor David Flint.

The Nobel Peace Prize winner is set to be announced in October.

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