Roger Stone Reportedly Sought the Assassination of Two Democratic Figures

( – Roger Stone, 71, reportedly stated that before the 2020 election, either California Rep. Eric Swalwell or New York Rep. Jerry Nadler had “to die.”

The comments were reportedly in an audio recording obtained by Mediaite. In releasing the recordings, Mediaite cited an anonymous source “familiar with the discussion.”

In the recordings, Stone allegedly said, “It’s time to do it,” to then-NYPD police officer Sal Greco while the two were at a restaurant in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Stone added, “They need to get the message.”

Nadler, a Democrat who was chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, had called for an investigation into former President Donald Trump’s decision to commute Stone’s sentence for obstructing the 2016 investigation into Russian election interference. Nadler oversaw the first impeachment of Trump, which was related to Ukraine.

Swalwell, a Democrat and member of the House Judiciary Committee, is known for often speaking out against Trump.

A former adviser to Trump, Stone has stated that he did not make the comments, saying the recordings were made using artificial intelligence (AI). He called the reported audio recordings “total nonsense,” adding that he had “never said anything of the kind.”

On Twitter, Stone wrote he “never spoke about assassinating anyone.” He added that when asked for the audio recordings, “fake Mediaite” cannot produce them. He also stated that Newsweek never contacted him requesting a comment for their story.

This is not the first time Mediaite has reported that it had audio recordings of Stone. It previously stated it had recordings of Stone telling Greco that a prosecutor involved with the Russia investigation Aaron Zelinsky, needed to be “punished.” According to the report, Stone allegedly said Zelinsky needed to be abducted and punished. Stone also responded to that report, saying the audio recordings were made using AI.

Greco also responded to the reports and stated that nobody “would not be interested in ancient political fodder.”

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