Republicans Threaten to Block SOTU Over President’s Possible Late Budget

( – Republicans in Congress are threatening to block President Joe Biden’s March 7 State of the Union address after he missed the Feb. 5 deadline to submit his budget to Congress.

In the House, Georgia Rep. Buddy Carter introduced proposed legislation called the SUBMIT IT Act, which stands for Send Us Budget Materials & International Tactics In Time. In order to hold Biden and future presidents accountable, if the budget plan is not submitted by the deadline, then there would be no speech.

Under the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, a president’s budget request must be submitted to Congress before the first Monday in February. The president is also required under the National Security Act of 1947 to submit a national security proposal on the same day. However, there is nothing to enforce the deadlines.

Until Congress receives both plans, the proposed legislation would prevent the leadership of the House or Senate from inviting the president to address a joint session of Congress.

If the SUBMIT IT Act is passed, it will not take effect until the 2025 State of the Union address.

Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst has introduced companion legislation in the Senate. In introducing the legislation, she said the president should have a plan in place if he is going to address the entire United States.

Carter called it “irresponsible” that Biden has not presented a plan to Congress.

In the past three years, Biden has missed the February deadline by 115, 49 and 31 days, respectively, according to a senior fellow in fiscal policy at Americans for Prosperity, Kurt Couchman.

Biden’s predecessors were also late in submitting their plans to Congress. In his first year, former President Donald Trump was late by 38 days, and in his first year, former President Barack Obama missed the deadline by 98 days. In his fiscal year 2003 plan, President George W. Bush missed the deadline by 63 days, while former President Bill Clinton was 66 days late with his plan in 1993.

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