Ramaswamy Says He’s Considered Pulling Out Of NATO

(UnitedHeadlines.com) – During an Oct. 23 interview, 2024 Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy stated that the idea of the United States withdrawing from NATO was “reasonable.”

During the interview with Politico, Ramaswamy said it was an idea he had considered. He added that he is also open to the United States withdrawing from the United Nations. Ramaswamy did not give details as to why he considered withdrawing from NATO and the U.N. is “reasonable.” The questions were prompted by a report from Rolling Stone alleging that former President Donald Trump if elected to a second term, would distance the U.S. from NATO.

Ramaswamy’s position regarding foreign policy tends to align more with conservatives who are opposed to the United States intervening in foreign affairs, which is a different stance from some of the other 2024 Republican presidential candidates.

Politico reported on Oct. 21 that Ramaswamy urged a “no” vote for President Joe Biden’s request for a $106 billion aid package for Ukraine and Israel. He added that military aid for Israel should be dependent on Israel having a plan for what happens after a ground offensive in Gaza. Ramaswamy has previously stated he is skeptical about giving foreign aid to Ukraine.

In August, during the 2024 Republican presidential debate, Ramaswamy was the only candidate to say he would end aid for Ukraine.

According to the current RealClearPolitics polling average, Ramaswamy is in fourth place in the Republican primary with 4.8 percent. Trump leads the field with 58.8 percent, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is in second with 13 percent, and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley is in third with 8.3 percent.

Ramaswamy is one of the four candidates, which includes DeSantis, Haley, as well as former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, to qualify for the third Republican presidential debate. The debate is scheduled to be held Nov. 8 in Miami. It is expected that Trump will skip the debate.

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