Pro-Palestinian Demonstrators Storm And Vandalize White House Gates

( – On Nov. 4, pro-Palestinian protesters chanted “F–k Joe Biden,” climbed the gates of the White House and vandalized a White House fence with red paint.

Thousands of protesters attended the pro-Palestine rally in Washington, D.C. which was held to protest the Biden administration’s support of Israel in its war against Hamas. Israel has been at war with Hamas since the Oct. 7 attack which killed 1,400 people, including 32 Americans.

Before marching to the White House, several speakers from various pro-Palestine organizations encouraged the crowd’s “righteous anger” in response to the deaths of an estimated 9,000 Palestinians in Gaza since the Oct. 7 attack on Israel. Many of the speakers had an antisemitic tone. One speaker accused Biden of genocide for his support of Israel. The U.S. Palestine Community Network Chicago Chapter spokesperson stated that Biden was “dehumanizing” Palestinians.

Many of the protesters held signs demanding a ceasefire. Some signs appeared to be held by staff of Congress members and staff of the Biden administration as the signs read, “Biden your staff demand a ceasefire.”

According to social media posts, the General Marquis de Lafayette Statue in Lafayette Park was covered with graffiti as well as Palestinian flags during the protest. In a video shared on social media, a protester is seen climbing the fence of the White House while waiving a Palestinian flag. Protesters are heard cheering and chanting “Free, free Palestine.” Some protesters were heard chanting “Long live the Intifada,” “Allahu akbar” and “Cease-fire now!”

The incident at the gate was handled by the Secret Service “without incident,” according to the Secret Service chief of communications Anthony Guglielmi. Guglielmi added that no arrests were made.

The protest was one of many held around the country and around the world. In New York City, over 1,000 pro-Palestinian protesters blocked traffic in Herald Square, while demanding a ceasefire. In London, a protest was held that resulted in 11 people being arrested.

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