Philadelphia Pharmacy Suffers $150K In Damages

( – In an effort to identify the suspects, footage has been released by the Northwest Detective Division of the Philadelphia Police Department showing a pharmacy in Philadelphia being looted on Sept. 26.

The video shows the thieves armed with axes as well as hammers breaking into the Fairmount Pharmacy in Philadelphia around 10:50 p.m. Sept. 26 by smashing the front door and window. The video shows the looters, who had their faces covered, ransacking the pharmacy and stealing all the medication from the local pharmacy. The thieves are seen putting the medication into the pockets of their sweatshirts. Approximately $68 was stolen from the register as well as prepackaged prescriptions in the pharmacy. Damages and theft are estimated at about $150,000, according to police.

Gerald Volgraf, the owner of the Fairmount Pharmacy, stated that although the thieves were in the store for less than “two minutes” they still managed to do a “tremendous amount of damage.”

The tenants that live above the pharmacy were the first to notify Volgraf about the robbery. He stated that the tenants called him about 3 a.m. notifying him of the robbery. He stated that “the store was a mess” when he arrived on the scene, noting that the gates had been ripped off.

While the robbery was a setback for the local pharmacy, Volgraf stated that this will not “break our spirit” or their “commitment to the community.”

On Sept. 26 and 27, Philadelphia faced two nights of looting that included a liquor store, a Lululemon store, a sporting goods store located at a mall, a T-Mobile store as well as an Apple Store. Police made more than 72 arrests during the two-night looting spree, and more arrests in the weeks following the incidents. The looting began during the protest held in the city after the charges against a Philadelphia police officer that shot and killed a driver in September were dropped.

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