Kamala Harris Mocked After Delivering a Confused Speech on ‘Most Important Election’

(UnitedHeadlines.com) – Vice President Kamala Harris, 59, is being mocked after her statement, “This is the most election of our lifetime,” during an interview for MSNBC’s “The Last Word” with Lawrence O’Donnell.

During the interview, Harris discussed former President Donald Trump’s comments regarding migrants “poisoning the blood of our country.” She then began stumbling over her words as she talked about the 2024 presidential election. She commented that “this is the most election of our lifetime” without ever correcting herself.

She also rambled through other confusing statements during the interview, stating, “um, limited by other people’s limited, um,” before she added, “understanding of who can do what.”

Social media users quickly responded to Harris’ latest mistake with users sharing clips from the interview that showed her stumbling through her words. One Twitter user wrote that she “goes full Xanax and weed” with what the user described as “word salad.” Another user posted, “I don’t mind a diversity hire who’s competent,” adding that Harris is not competent. The post continued asking if Harris got “into Nancy’s vodka stash?”

Still another posted that if Harris has interviews planned, “someone needs to tell her to stop getting drunk” before the interview. One user mocked her, posting that she is “extraordinarily embarrassing.” and another asked why O’Donnell agreed with what Harris said.

One user posted the clip stating that it made their stomach churn, and another wrote, “She might be worse at speaking than Biden.”

This is not the first time Harris has faced backlash after stumbling through a statement. During a music festival in New Orleans in July, she gave a repetitive definition of the word “culture” before bursting out with laughter. In April, while addressing an abortion rights rally, she repeated the phrase “moment in time” with no clear point to the statement. During a White House event for Women’s History Month in March, Harris faced backlash for stumbling through the statement, “Honor the women who made history throughout history.”

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