Hunter Biden’s Lawyers File Then Withdraw Motion for New Trial

( – On June 17, Hunter Biden’s attorneys filed a motion for a new trial, claiming the judge who presided over his gun trial, Judge Maryellen Noreika, lacked jurisdiction due to pending rulings by the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. However, Hunter Biden’s attorneys withdrew their request immediately.

The request comes after Hunter Biden, 54, was convicted on June 11 on all three charges related to his 2018 purchase of a Colt revolver while he was addicted to cocaine.

On May 9, Noreika, an appointee of former President Donald Trump, dismissed several motions from the defense to drop the charges against the president’s son, including that the case violated Hunter Biden’s Second Amendment rights. On May 28, a three-judge panel rejected Hunter Biden’s attempt to dismiss the three gun charges, finding that it could not rule before a jury verdict, upholding Noreika’s decision. A three-judge panel upheld Noreika’s May 9 ruling. However, the appeals court has not yet ruled on a request from Hunter Biden’s attorneys for reconsideration by the full Third Circuit Court.

According to the initial filing in Delaware federal court made on June 17 from Hunter Biden’s lawyer Abbe Lowell, since the Third Circuit “has not yet issued its mandate as to the orders dismissing either appeal,” the court was “without jurisdiction” to proceed to trial. However, the motion for a new trial was deleted moments later, with a note in the court docket stating it was “deleted at the request of counsel,” describing it as a “correcting entry.”

Hunter Biden could face 25 years in prison. A sentencing date has not been set by Noreika.

The news comes as Hunter Biden’s lawsuit against former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Giuliani’s former lawyer Robert Costello, which accused them of manipulating data found on Hunter Biden’s laptop, was dropped following his June 11 conviction. On June 13, Lowell filed the stipulation for dismissal, requesting the lawsuit be dismissed “without prejudice.”

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