Hunter Biden Seeks Formal Inquiry Into Allegations Involving Ex-Business Partner

( – Hunter Biden is requesting that his former business associate, Tony Bobulinski, be investigated for allegedly lying about their business relationship to the FBI.

In the Oct. 7 letter, Hunter Biden’s attorney Abbe Lowell stated that “numerous statements” made by Bobulinski to the FBI during an Oct. 23, 2020, interview “are false.” Lowell wrote that the “false and meritless allegations of wrongdoing” by Bobulinski “cannot and must not go unchecked.”

The 10-page letter requests that the U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves investigate Bobulinski for lying to a federal agent and details a number of Bobulinski’s alleged comments.

In 2017, a mutual business associate introduced Hunter Biden to Bobulinski for the purposes of a joint venture with a Chinese firm that was never capitalized, according to Lowell. Contrary to his claim, Lowell alleges that Bobulinski was never present for the Miami meeting between Hunter Biden, Ye, and other business associates in 2017, when the initial business deal was discussed and then agreed to in principle.

In several interviews, Bobulinski has stated that 10 percent of a partnership with a Chinese company as well as its executive Ye Jianming, was to be reserved for the “big guy,” whom Bobulinski stated was Joe Biden.

Bobulinski and another business partner, not Hunter Biden and Bobulinski, raised the idea of a cut of the potential business deal for “the big guy,” according to Lowell.

The House Oversight Committee made the summary of Bobulinski’s FBI interview public after testimony before Congress from two IRS agents, Joseph Ziegler and Gary Shapley.

In a statement Bobulinski made through his attorney Stefan Passantino, Bobulinski said that the allegations in Lowell’s letter “are patently false.” Bobulinski added that he looks “forward to exposing these lies.”

The letter comes as there are reports Bobulinski could be called as a witness to testify before the House Oversight Committee as part of the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.

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