Hochul Furious After Anti-Israel Protest

(UnitedHeadlines.com) – In a move that New York Gov. Kathy Hochul called “abhorrent and morally repugnant,” protesters supporting Palestine took to the streets of New York City on Oct. 8 to show their support after Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7.

The Democratic Socialists of America group organized the protest as a way to show support for Palestine after Hamas terrorists invaded towns along the Gaza border on Oct. 7, killing over 700 people and injuring over 2,000, prompting Israel to declare war on Hamas.

Before it began, Hochul condemned the protest, saying that Israel is facing kidnapping of its citizens as well as “violent terrorist attacks.”

The protest began in Times Square with supporters marching down 42nd Street to reach Bryant Park, which is close to the Israeli Consulate, carrying signs that said, “Resistance is justified when people are occupied.”

While marching many of the protesters chanted “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” According to the Anti-Defamation League, the chant can be interpreted as a call for eliminating Israel. The chant is often used by Hamas as well as the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine as an anti-Israel rallying cry.

During the protest, the Democratic Socialists of America blamed the attack on Israel. On Twitter, the group wrote that the attack was a result of Israel’s apartheid regime,” adding that the United States gives billions in funding to Israel.

Counter protesters supporting Israel lined the opposite side on 42nd Street. The two groups chanted and hurled insults at each other. A few protesters were arrested during the demonstration.

Six U.S. House of Representatives members, including those known as “the Squad,” align themselves with the Democratic Socialists of America. While they condemned the attacks they did not speak out about the protest.

As of Oct. 9, at least nine Americans had been killed in the attacks with an unknown number taken hostage.

Protests in support of Palestine were also held Oct. 8 in Los Angeles as well as Chicago.

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