Hillary Blasted for Ridiculous Trump Comparison

(UnitedHeadlines.com) – Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been criticized for controversial remarks she made while a guest on panel show “The View” on November 8. Discussing Donald Trump and the prospect of another Presidential term for him, Clinton took the opportunity to lambast the man who beat her in the 2016 Presidential elections, even going so far to say that the USA as it currently stands would come to an end should he be elected by the public once more.

Speaking about her fears surrounding a potential Trump presidency in 2024, Clinton compared the Republican front runner to Adolf Hitler, telling the show hosts that she had witnessed people winning a democratic election only to then eliminate democratic process in their country and cling on to power through any means necessary.

While discussing the former Republican President, she stated that somebody with “dictatorial, authoritarian tendencies” could easily disregard due process and simply throw political opponents in jail in order to seize further power illegitimately. In accounting for the fact that Trump did not commit such acts during his four years as President, Clinton claimed that he had been “restrained” by his staff members and asserted that next time, he would hire people lacking in conscience who would not temper his actions.

Clinton, who in an October interview with CNN suggested that some Trump supporters, whom she likened to cult members, may need to be subject to “formal deprogramming”, also claimed that Trump would undermine US law and values should he be re-elected by the people. Clinton’s extreme remarks have been widely criticized, with Republican Senator Lindsey Graham calling her “bitter” and Fox News anchor Harris Faulkner describing her as “evil” while speaking to former Representative Jason Chaffetz, who agreed with his assessment of Clinton as “delusional”.

Sen. Graham, speaking to Fox’s Sean Hannity, was quick to point out President Trump’s support of the Jewish state of Israel. During his Presidency, he not only formally recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, but he was able to convince six Arab nations to recognize Israel as a legitimate Jewish state, despite the long history of Arabic enmity towards the country.

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