Green Dreams Derailed: Kamala Harris’ Electric Bus Blunder Leaves Schools in the Dust

Green Dreams Derailed: Kamala Harris' Electric Bus Blunder Leaves Schools in the Dust

Well, folks, it seems our esteemed Vice President has once again proven that good intentions paved with taxpayer dollars don’t always lead to success. Kamala Harris’ much-touted $5 billion electric school bus program has sputtered and stalled, leaving us wondering if she might have been better off focusing on her day job as “border czar.” But let’s set aside the snark and dig into the nitty-gritty of this green dream turned nightmare.

The Promise vs. The Reality

Kamala Harris promoted a $5 billion federal program aimed at transitioning school districts to electric buses over five years. The initiative was pitched as a win-win: cleaner air for our children and a step towards a greener future. However, the reality has fallen far short of expectations.

Less than 7% of participating districts have actually made the switch to electric vehicles. This dismal success rate raises serious questions about the program’s viability and the administration’s ability to implement large-scale green initiatives.

Roadblocks and Withdrawals

Many districts have withdrawn from the program, citing a trifecta of issues: opposition from school boards, high infrastructure upgrade costs, and technological challenges. The stark reality is that electric buses are significantly more expensive than their diesel counterparts, making the project economically unfeasible without substantial grants.

“And today, 95 percent of our school buses are fueled with diesel fuel, which contributes to very serious conditions that are about health and about the ability to learn,” Kamala said.

While the Vice President’s statement highlights the potential benefits of electric buses, it fails to address the practical challenges of implementation. Energy experts warn of significant roadblocks, including lower vehicle range and the need for substantial electric grid upgrades.

Criticism and Fraud Concerns

The program has faced sharp criticism for potential fraud and resource distribution inequities. Critics argue that focusing on electric buses is misguided given the current challenges in the education system. With schools struggling to provide basic educational resources, the wisdom of prioritizing expensive electric buses is questionable at best.

“It is about our investment in our children, in their health, and in their education,” Kamala states.

While the Vice President’s sentiment is admirable, the execution of the program suggests a disconnect between lofty goals and practical realities. The Biden-Harris administration has announced plans for further funding despite the program’s glaring issues, raising concerns about fiscal responsibility and effective governance.

The Bigger Picture

It’s worth noting that this electric bus initiative isn’t the only area where Vice President Harris has faced criticism. Six House Democrats joined Republicans in passing a resolution condemning Harris for her failure as “border czar.” The border crisis is estimated to cost the U.S. $150.7 billion each year, with each taxpayer shouldering $1,156 annually.

In conclusion, while the goal of improving environmental sustainability is commendable, the execution of this electric bus program has been fraught with challenges. As taxpayers and concerned citizens, we must question whether such initiatives are the best use of our resources, especially when core educational needs remain unmet in many districts across the nation.


  1. Kamala Harris’ $5 billion green bus failure shows she can’t even handle the small stuff
  2. Kamala Harris touted greener school buses — but good luck finding them with only 7% of districts switching
  3. Kamala Harris Touted a $5B Electric School Bus Program. Three Years Later, It’s Produced Just 60 Buses.
  4. Biden admin drops nearly $1 billion on green bus program inspector general warned was unfeasible

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