Ex-Senator and Pilot Alleges She Was Attacked

(UnitedHeadlines.com) – Martha McSally, former Republican Senator for Arizona, released a video on Instagram in which she described being molested by a man while she was out jogging on Wednesday November 8. McSally recounted that she was running alongside the Missouri River on the border between Iowa and Nebraska when she was approached from behind by a man. She said that he grabbed hold of her in a “bear hug” grip and groped her until she managed to fight him off.

After fighting her attacker off, McSally chased after him and threw her water bottle at him before calling 911, she said in her video. McSally explained that he hid in the nearby brush while she waited for law enforcement to arrive. While police were unable to find the attacker at the scene, they arrested a suspect just two days later.

The suspect has been identified as 25-year-old Dominic Henton, believed to be homeless but from the Papillon, Nebraska area. Henton now faces a charge of assault with intent to abuse. Council Bluffs Police, who made the arrest, said they had managed to track him down using surveillance footage which showed him following the politician and former fighter pilot.

McSally had been visiting the area as she was booked to speak in Omaha, Nebraska on the topic of courage that very evening. Despite describing feeling shaken and unable to eat during the day following the alleged assault, McSally managed to give her talk that evening and told the audience that she felt she had taken “her power” back from her attacker.

McSally described how the assault “tapped into a nerve” for her due to previous experience. In 2019, during a Senate hearing on assault claims in the military, McSally said that she had been raped by a superior officer while she was serving in the Air Force. She spoke of feeling a sense of betrayal not just due to her alleged attacker’s actions, but due to the system for reporting assault in the military and other commanders who she accused of having failed in their responsibilities.

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