Epstein Files to Disclose Bill Clinton and Other Notables

(UnitedHeadlines.com) – Former President Bill Clinton, along with several other “prominent” names, are expected to be included in court documents related to Jeffrey Epstein set to be released to the public.

As part of a settled civil lawsuit filed in 2015 by accuser Virginia Giuffre against Epstein’s girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell, District Judge Loretta Preska ruled that the documents should be unsealed starting Jan. 1. Preska said she decided to unseal the documents since many of those listed in the documents have already given media interviews or their names have been included in other public court documents related to the case.

According to a report by ABC News, Clinton is identified as “Doe 36” in at least 50 filings. “There is no indication the sealed records contain evidence of illegal conduct” by Clinton, according to the ABC News report. Some of the documents, the report shows, contain information about potentially subpoenaing Clinton for deposition testimony regarding his relationship with Epstein. While Giuffre made no allegations of wrongdoing by Clinton, she did claim to have met Clinton on Epstein’s private island. Clinton has repeatedly said he did not know about Epstein’s crimes and his representatives claim he has never been to Epstein’s private island.

Clinton is one of more than 150 individuals, identified in the documents only as John or Jane Does, whose names will be released when the documents are unsealed. The list of names includes Epstein’s associates, his victims, and investigators and journalists who covered the case. Names of minor victims who have never spoken publicly about the case and one person wrongly identified as an alleged perpetrator will remain sealed.

Records already unsealed in relation to Giuffre’s lawsuit included names such as Prince Andrew of Britain, billionaire hedge fund manager Glenn Dubin, Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell and the late model scout Jean Luc Brunel.

In August 2019, Epstein committed suicide while in federal custody awaiting his trial for trafficking charges. In 2022, Maxwell received a 20-year prison sentence following her conviction on trafficking charges.

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