Donald Trump Hints at Prolonged Political Career for Ramaswamy

( – During a rally in New Hampshire Jan. 16, former President Donald Trump hinted that former 2024 Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy could have a role on his team.

Ramaswamy, who suspended his campaign after Trump’s Iowa victory, expressed his support for Trump at the rally in Atkinson, New Hampshire, while Trump supporters chanted “Veep.”

Trump then came out on stage, calling Ramaswamy “a fantastic guy,” adding that he has “something that’s very special” since he went from unknown to ending “very strong.” The crowd then cheered as Trump stated that Ramaswamy would “be working with us for a long time.”

On social media, Ramaswamy wrote, “America-First. One movement. Indivisible.”

It is unknown if Ramaswamy will be joining Trump’s presidential campaign or if Trump was alluding to a position in a potential Trump administration. However, when Trump was asked in August if he had considered picking Ramaswamy as his running mate, he stated, “I have to like a guy like that,” adding, “I think he’d be very good.”

Following the rally, Ramaswamy said he wanted “to serve this country” in any way he could when Fox News host Jesse Watters asked him if he would consider serving as vice president.

Ramaswamy suspended his campaign Jan. 15 after finishing fourth in Iowa. Trump won Iowa after receiving 51 percent of the vote, while Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis finished second with 21 percent, and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley received 19 percent. Trump dominated the state, winning all 99 counties In Iowa, except for one county where he lost by just one vote. Ahead of the New Hampshire and South Carolina primaries, DeSantis and Haley are continuing their campaigns, though Ramaswamy has urged them to drop out and support Trump. Polling continues to show Trump is ahead in the early primary states of New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina, but also across the board with double-digit leads in many states.

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