Disney Impacted by Progressive Policies

(UnitedHeadlines.com) – On Nov. 29, Disney CEO Bob Iger stated that Disney would focus on “Entertain first, not messages” during the New York Times’ DealBook Summit. Iger said that “positive messages for the world” are great, but the messages should not do the primary job of the story or be forced on those watching the film.

Iger first served as Disney’s CEO from 2005-2020. In November 2022, Iger replaced former CEO Bob Chapek. Chapek had publicly taken a stand against a Florida education bill that prohibits kindergarten through third-grade teachers from providing instruction on gender identity. This started a fight with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, which led the Florida state legislature to revoke the self-governing authority of Disney World in the state. Both sides have taken legal action, which remains ongoing. Iger’s new contract runs through 2026.

Iger claimed Disney’s propaganda in its films got worse after Chapek took over as CEO. Since Iger returned, he has sought to walk back the moves Chapek made that favored progressives and Democrats.

A reference to “risks relating to misalignment with public and consumer tastes” was mentioned in a recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The filing stated that when the company’s revenues and profitability were impacted adversely its “entertainment offerings and products” did not “achieve sufficient consumer acceptance.”

Iger also stated too many sequels were being produced. A sequel must function as a standalone movie before Disney will give its production the green light.

In 2023, 11 out of 12 films made by Disney lost money. The losses include big-budget pictures, including the “Marvel Cinematic Universe” franchise. In the three weeks since it opened, “The Marvels,” has generated $76.9 million domestically and $110.2 million overseas. Over the five-day Thanksgiving time period, Disney’s most recent animated film, “Wish,” made $31.7 million. It was forecasted to make closer to $50 million.

In early November, Disney indicated it would cut $2 billion more in costs.

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