Dershowitz Criticizes Obama’s Delayed Response to Israel Attacks

( – On Oct. 9, famed lawyer Alan Dershowitz spoke out about former President Barack Obama’s response to the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks on Israel.

In an interview on Newsmax, Dershowitz stated that Obama’s response to the attack that killed over 700 Israelis on Oct. 7 was “three days late.”

On the day of the attack, Obama posted nothing about the attack but instead posted about a Nobel Peace Prize winner who was from Iran.

On Oct. 9, just before Dershowitz’s appearance on “The Record with Greta Van Susteren,” Obama posted about the attacks on Twitter. He wrote that he “supported Israel’s right to self-defense,” adding that both Israel and Palestine should “strive for a just and lasting peace” for both parties.

During the interview, Dershowitz sarcastically said “Thank you, President Obama.” He stated that when Obama was seeking reelection, he was told that Obama would “always have Israel’s back.” During the interview, Dershowitz stated he “didn’t realize you meant to put a target on.”

Dershowitz said that “Iran has paid for this,” adding that Iran is the one who is pulling these strings.” He stated it would not end until “Iran is punched.” The comments come as the Wall Street Journal reported that top Hamas and Hezbollah officials claim that the attacks were funded, plotted as well as approved by Iran. The report also references the $6 billion in Iranian funds that were unfrozen by the Biden administration in exchange for six U.S. citizens.

Dershowitz stated that “Money is fungible,” adding that the idea it would be used for humanitarian purposes only “is a lot of nonsense.”

During the interview, Dershowitz also mentioned a statement blaming the attacks on Israel’s alleged “apartheid regime” put out by more than 30 different student groups at Harvard. Dershowitz, who taught at Harvard for almost 50 years, said the school “has been propagandized” by professors, administrators, speakers that are anti-Israel, antisemitic, anti-Zionist.”

Twenty-two Americans were killed in the Oct. 7 attack, with 20 or more missing as of Oct. 11.

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