Congress Puts Biden Family and Associates On Blast with Wave of Subpoenas

( – More members of the President’s circle of associates have been served subpoenas by the House Oversight Committee Chairman, Republican James Comer. The Kentucky Representative had already issued subpoenas for Pres. Biden’s son Hunter, and brother James on Wednesday November 8 before he made further summons to another eight people who have all had some form of relationship with the Biden family.

The Committee’s targets include Hunter Biden’s art patron, Elizabeth Naftali, and gallerist George Bergès. Bergès has spoken in the past of his ambitions to become the “lead guy in China” as far as the world of art is concerned. Also included are individuals who had involvement in the alleged $200,000 loans paid to Pres. Biden by his brother James between 2017 and 2018. The subpoenas compel all recipients to testify before the Oversight Committee, with the interviews to be fully transcribed as part of the Republican-led investigation into the Biden family’s financial dealings.

The loans paid by James Biden to the President are under particular scrutiny as it is alleged that the $200,000 came from a $600,000 loan made previously to James Biden by Americore. Americore Holdings LLC was a rural hospital operating company, and one that found itself in considerable financial distress around the time of the alleged loans. The committee has issued summons to a number of its representatives.

The latest request for interviews comes as one step in a months-long investigative chain. Although art gallery proprietor Bergès has only been invited for interview in November, the committee had already ordered him to hand over all communications between his gallery and the White House as early as January this year. While some of the subpoenas have ordered individuals to speak before the committee, others have been invitations to appear voluntarily, such as the requests sent to Hunter Biden’s wife Sarah and Pres. Biden’s late son Beau’s widow Hallie.

Democrats have decried the investigation, witha Hunter Biden’s attorney writing to the committee to demand they end the “partisan” proceedings. Comer, however, has stated his certainty that the investigation will reveal serious wrongdoing by the President and his associates, adding that the President’s bank statements showed laundered money from China being paid into the President’s account by his family. Comer has been emphatic in his assessment that not only had the Bidens abused their power, but that Americans have made it clear that the “gig is up”.

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