Boebert Criticizes Spending Deal as Similar to Pelosi’s Approach

( – Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert is criticizing the Jan. 18 “laddered” short-term spending bill that will fund the government until March, calling the deal “Pelosi-Esque.”

The House voted 314-108 Jan. 18 to approve the continuing resolution (CR) not long after the Senate approved the measure in a 77 to 18 vote, averting a government shutdown. The passing of the continuing resolution marks the third time since July that Congress has passed a short-term spending bill. The continuing resolution passed in November had extended funding deadlines to Jan. 19 and Feb. 2. The new bill allows more time for Congress to finish its formal appropriations process for 12 bills by moving the government funding deadlines to March 1 and March 8. Boebert was one of the 108 Republicans to vote against the continuing resolution.

In a statement, Boebert said the bill was a “slap in the face” to Americans. She said the “reckless, bloated spending bill” would make Speaker Emerita and California Rep. Nancy Pelosi “proud” because it maintains the level of federal spending set while she was Speaker.

Boebert stated that her constituents in Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District are already “struggling to deal with the effects” of the inflationary spending of President Joe Biden and “the Swamp.” She said instead of “clawing back wasteful federal spending,” the continuing resolution “kicks the can down the road.” She added that failing to make cuts will saddle future generations “with mountains of debt.”

Boebert was not the only Republican to speak out against the bill. In a statement, the Freedom Caucus called on the House Speaker and Louisiana Rep. Mike Johnson to “walk away” from the deal with Senate Majority Leader and New York Sen. Chuck Schumer. Virginia Rep. Bob Good, who leads the Freedom Caucus, also said the bill is a “loser for the American people” and questioned when Republicans would start using their control in the House to push back on Democrats spending.

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