Biden Releases Sweeping Order On AI

( – On Oct. 30, President Joe Biden signed a sweeping executive order related to the emerging technology of artificial intelligence (AI).

The new regulations will focus on the safety tests used by companies to evaluate conversation bots, protecting workers, as well as introducing industry standards that identify AI products.

The new safety standards will include companies being required to test their products before making them available. The order uses the 1950 law of the Defense Production Act to require that the results of all tests be shared with the federal government who can force a company to make changes or abandon the product. A safety program will be established by the Department of Health and Human Services in order to receive reports of unsafe healthcare practices that involve AI. Resources to support educators deploying AI tools for learning will also be created.

The rules also include guidance developed by the Commerce Department for content authentication as well as watermarking for labeling content that is AI-generated.

The order will develop principles and best practices to help protect workers by addressing issues such as job displacement, labor standards as well as data collection.

The order required federal government agencies to make changes in their use of AI, which the Biden administration hopes the private sector will adopt.

Bruce Reed, the White House deputy chief of staff, called the new regulations “the strongest” taken by “any government in the world” related to the “safety, security, and trust” of AI.

The executive order attempts to address concerns that the new technology could displace workers, cause issues related to data privacy, increase cyberattacks, undermine national security, as well as exacerbate discrimination and bias.

The executive order comes as a bipartisan group of lawmakers continues to work on crafting legislation though a proposal remains months away. Senate Majority Leader and New York Sen. Chuck Schumer has been holding AI Insight Forums focused on how AI can enable innovation as well as how to make sure AI progress is safe.

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