Americans Storm White House’s Instagram After Public Outrage

( – A post on the White House’s Instagram account about the Biden administration’s economic record has Americans responding to the post with outrage.

A photo posted on Nov. 25 to the White House’s Instagram account included the words, “celebrating the hardworking Americans who run our small businesses.” It also stated that the small businesses “keep our economy moving.” The post added that the administration was committed to helping small businesses “grow and succeed.”

The Instagram post had 7,588 likes and 5,616 comments. Many comments expressed outrage that the administration’s policies were helping small businesses.

One commenter wrote that as a small business owner, “This has been our worst year” since the business opened. The post continued, “No one can afford anything anymore.”

Another comment stated the post would need to be rewritten if the White House could experience what their small business is experiencing.

American First Policy Institute’s chief economist Mike Faulkender stated that the backlash against the “Small Business Saturday” post was due to President Joe Biden’s regulatory policies. Faulkender said large firms have been given an advantage over small businesses due to Biden’s regulatory policies. He said the administration has “done anything and everything in their power” to “accumulate more market power in the hands of large businesses.”

A Nov. 3 Instagram post about Biden’s job creation record also received criticism on Biden’s handling of the economy. The post claimed that Bidenomics was “growing the economy from the middle out and bottom up – not the top down.” One commenter stated that this was an “outright lie.” The commenter added that the “Biden-Harris-Obama is the worst administration in US history.”

Biden and his administration continue to tout what they call “Bidenomics.” The administration states that his economic policies are responsible for lower inflation and low unemployment rates.

A November Gallup poll showed 32 percent of Americans approve of Biden’s handling of the economy.

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