Bipartisan Effort Urges Biden to Free Americans Unjustly Held in China

Man seated at table with flags in background.

Bipartisan lawmakers are urging President Biden to secure the release of Americans unjustly detained in China before his term ends, highlighting the plight of U.S. citizens facing harsh conditions in Chinese prisons.

At a Glance

  • Lawmakers from both parties call on Biden to prioritize freeing Americans wrongfully held in China
  • Detained Americans reportedly face severe mistreatment, poor nutrition, and inadequate medical care
  • The State Department officially recognizes three Americans as wrongfully detained in China
  • China currently holds more unjustly detained U.S. citizens than any other nation
  • Congress members urge immediate transfer of detained Americans back to the United States

Bipartisan Push for Action

As President Biden’s term nears its end, a united front of lawmakers is pressing for decisive action to secure the release of American citizens wrongfully detained in China. This urgent call comes amid strained U.S.-China relations and underscores the critical need to protect U.S. citizens abroad. The Congressional Executive Commission on China has reported serious due process violations and questionable charges against detained Americans, who are reportedly suffering from severe mistreatment, poor nutrition, and inadequate medical care.

The bipartisan effort emphasizes the importance of strategic diplomacy in addressing this pressing issue. Lawmakers are urging President Biden to meet with families of detained citizens and provide regular updates on their cases. They are also calling for expanded consular access, improved legal representation, and better healthcare for detained Americans.

Alarming Statistics and Specific Cases

The situation is dire, with Americans held in China facing an average prison term of twelve years. The Foley Foundation noted a 42% decrease in unjustly detained Americans worldwide since 2023, partly due to the Biden administration’s efforts. However, China remains a significant concern. The State Department officially recognizes three Americans as wrongfully detained in China, while human rights group Dui Hua estimates over 200 Americans are under various forms of detention in the country.

“American citizens are serving long prison terms in China; most were sentenced with acute due process irregularities or on spurious charges,” the Congressional Executive Commission on China wrote in a statement. “Many are severely mistreated in detention and have developed serious physical and mental health problems due to a lack of adequate nutrition or medical care in Chinese prisons. They deserve tenacious advocacy to gain their release.”

Specific cases mentioned include Kai Li and Mark Swidan, who are recognized as unjustly detained under the Robert Levinson Hostage Recovery and Hostage-Taking Accountability Act. Additionally, two Black Americans, Nelson Wells, Jr. and Dawn Michelle Hunt, are reportedly facing racial discrimination and life-threatening health conditions in Chinese prisons.

Call for Immediate Action

Lawmakers are pushing for the immediate transfer of detained Americans back to the United States. They stress the importance of acting before a new administration takes office to secure the release of detainees. The recent release of an American pastor after 18 years in Chinese custody offers hope for future releases, but urgent action is still needed.

“The release of American citizens should be the first thing President Biden mentions to Communist Party leader Xi Jinping whenever they talk. Their names should be said so often that Xi Jinping memorizes them. Their cases should be agenda item #1 at every meeting the Secretary of State takes with Chinese officials. And every U.S. official traveling to China should be repeatedly saying the names of Kai Li, Mark Swidan, Nelson Wells, Jr. and Dawn Michelle Hunt. Every channel of the U.S. Government must be focused on the release of wrongfully detained Americans..” – CECC Chair Smith

While Chinese authorities claim they treat all suspects lawfully and deny restricting foreign citizens’ freedom to leave the country, the evidence suggests otherwise. The U.S. government is being urged to expand its list of wrongfully detained individuals and to address these detentions in upcoming meetings with Chinese leaders. As the clock ticks on President Biden’s term, the pressure mounts to bring these Americans home and ensure their safety and well-being.


  1. Bipartisan lawmakers urge Biden to seek release of Americans detained in China
  2. Hearing Explores Issue of Wrongfully Detained Americans in China
  3. Lawmakers from both parties urge Biden to secure the release of Americans imprisoned in China
  4. Bipartisan lawmakers urge Biden to seek release of Americans detained in China
  5. Hearing Explores Issue of Wrongfully Detained Americans in China