GOP Official Seeks to Remove Biden from Ballot

( – Following the Colorado Supreme Court ruling that former President Donald Trump cannot be on the ballot, Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft threatened to take President Joe Biden off the ballot unless the decision is reversed.

In December, the Colorado Supreme Court sided with a lower district court when it ruled that Trump’s name would not appear on the ballot because the 14th Amendment prevents anyone from running for federal office who “engaged in insurrection.” Trump has appealed the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision, and the U.S. Supreme Court agreed on Jan. 5 to hear the appeal, and oral arguments will begin Feb. 8.

The Maine Secretary of State also weighed in and said Trump’s name should be taken off the 2024 ballot in Maine for the same reason as Colorado. Trump is also appealing that decision.

Trump’s campaign called the ruling “deeply undemocratic,” adding that it has “full confidence” the U.S. Supreme Court will overrule the decision.

In response to the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision, Ashcroft posted on Twitter calling the ruling decision, adding that if the U.S. Supreme Court upholds the ruling, he would remove Biden from Missouri’s 2024 ballots. He stated that the Secretaries of State will step in, ensuring “the new legal standard” is applied to Biden.

Ashcroft said, during an interview with NBC News, that he posted the message to “remind people of how severe” the effect of the court’s ruling would be. Ashcroft said that if the Supreme Court does not stop this, “chaos is ahead and we’ve got to avoid it.”

Ashcroft was asked how Biden could be disqualified from the ballot, and he said because he “let an invasion unstopped” into the United States across the southern border. He added that Republican states would do the same as Democrat states.

In a letter submitted to the court Jan. 5, more than a dozen other Republican-led states said they supported Trump, as Republicans have said removing Trump from the ballot undermines the will of voters.

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