Biden Gets Mocked After Veterans Day Fiasco

( – Social media users are mocking President Joe Biden after he appeared confused while at the official Veterans Day memorial Nov. 11 at Arlington National Cemetery.

Biden attended the ceremony, which commemorates servicemen and women throughout the course of American history. He also gave a speech at the Memorial Amphitheater in Arlington in which he paid tribute to “the generations of Americans who stood on the front lines of freedom.”

In a video posted to social media, Biden is seen appearing to be confused while placing a wreath in front of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier as Vice President Kamala Harris, representatives of the U.S. Armed Forces and a crowd of civilians look on. After getting assistance placing the wreath from a military member of the tomb’s honor guard, Biden begins to walk away. He then turns around and walks back toward the wreath and the military member before he stops and stands frozen. The military member then points Biden to head back toward Harris. Biden then turns around again and heads back to his spot next to Harris.

Many social media users quickly pointed out Biden looked like he was confused and unsure of what he was supposed to be doing in the video. David Burke questioned how Biden could fulfill his Commander-in-Chief duties during a crisis if he “is so cognitively impaired” that he doesn’t know where he is supposed to be standing “during a solemn Veterans Day commemoration.”

One user, talk radio host Michael Brown, wrote that “We shouldn’t laugh at this” but instead recognize that Biden is “incapable” of being the Commander-in-Chief. Brown went on to call on First Lady Jill Biden to “stop this madness” and “take him home.”

New Jersey Rep. Jeff Van Drew stated that the president “doesn’t know whether he’s coming or going.”

Staten Island Rep. Nicole Malliotakis stated it was “sad” to see Biden’s “cognitive impairment over and over again.”

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