Sen. Tuberville Reports Ex-CIA Chief To Capitol Police

( – On Oct. 10, Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville alerted Capitol Police to what he described as a “politically motivated assassination” threat after an Oct. 9 tweet by former director of the CIA and NSA, Gen. Michael Hayden.

Tuberville hoped that involving the Capitol Police would help to protect members of Congress as well as bring the “criminals to justice.”

The controversy began with a response Hayden tweeted on Oct. 8. A user on Twitter had questioned whether Tuberville, because of his continued hold on military nominations, should be removed from his committee. In response, Hayden tweeted “How about the human race?”

In a follow-up tweet early Oct. 9, Hayden wrote that he was “surprised” to see that “MAGAnuts had lost their minds” over his comment that Tuberville was not “a member of the human race.”

The comments led to many on social media stating that Hayden had called for Tuberville’s “assassination.”

Tuberville began the hold on military nominations in February, after the Pentagon implemented its new abortion policy that pays for out-of-state travel for reproductive services, such as abortion and in-vitro fertilization, for Department of Defense (DoD) personnel.

In a September post on Twitter, Hayden also commented on a post that asked if it was “wrong” to say that Tuberville is a “racist.” Hayden responded by clarifying that what he meant was “Tuberville absolutely is a racist,” adding that to say that Tuberville is a racist “is not wrong.”

On Twitter, Tuberville wrote that Hayden must have known “he was committing a serious crime” when he made the statements. Tuberville added that Hayden’s effort “to reinterpret what he said is only a tacit admission of guilt.”

Tuberville said Hayden’s comments had not been condemned by any congressional Democrats. Tuberville said that Democrats had “only continued to attack” him since Oct. 10. Tuberville stated that the “reckless rhetoric” against him “must stop now.” Tuberville added that Hayden’s statements must be condemned by “Anyone who actually cares about our country.”

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